1. What is the administration of EACAT Procedures?

The Manager's Space within EACAT Procedures is designed so that managers can administer inter-administrative processing services. If you are a manager of the entity, you can access it by going to Administration settings > EACAT Procedures

This space is organized into a maximum of 5 sections:

  • general
  • Users
  • Services
  • mailboxes
  • Organizational units

Each section contains both generic and specific information, segmented into subsections.

Entity managers can decide how they wish to organize their entity::

  • With mailboxes or without mailboxes , depending on whether they need to group users and services.
  • With organizational units or without organizational units.

Although these concepts are detailed later, it is important to note that depending on the decisions made about the use of mailboxes and the enablement to work with organizational units, there may be 3 to 5 sections available.

2. What do you manage in the different sections?

In the General section you will find generic information about the entity, as well as some properties related to its processing. From here you can also activate mailboxes.

In the Users section you can perform actions that affect all the users of your entity, such as searching, sorting their relationship according to various filters and exporting it. You can also view the data and permissions of a specific user. Other options are available in the subsections of General, Mailboxes and Services. A relevant functionality is the action of assigning mailboxes to a specific user, which we will find in the subsection Mailboxes .

The creation, modification of their data, deletion, activation and deactivation of users is done only from the Administration of Services AOC.

In the Services section, you can perform several actions that affect all of your organization's services, such as viewing the list of services with the corresponding filters and exporting it. You can also perform specific actions for a given service, such as viewing its general information, including title, functional code, and provider. You can also access the complete catalog of services and procedures for each service. The rest of the specific information of the service can be found in the subsections of Mailboxes and Users .

In the Mailboxes section, you can perform actions that affect all mailboxes in your entity, such as searching for a specific one, sorting them according to different filters; export the resulting mailbox listings; and create a specific mailbox. You can also perform specific actions on a particular mailbox, such as importing and exporting users and services; or delete it. In addition, you will find other actions and more information in the Users and Services subsections.

You will only see the Mailboxes section if you have activated the option Use mailboxes in the entity in the General section.

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In the Organizational Units section, you can take actions that affect all organizational units (OUs) in your entity, such as sorting them according to different filters and creating new ones. You can also perform specific actions on a given OU, such as turning it on or off and making it visible or not (except for the main OU which is always visible).

You can only view the Organizational Units section if you have the Use Organizational Units in Entity option enabled in the General section.

FAQ 1 EG Punto 4 UOs _ FAQ 1 EGT Punto 2 UOs.png

3. Who can work in the EACAT Procedures Manager Space?

The entity's manager is the one who has access to the Manager's Space.

4. What kind of services are there in EACAT Procedures?

The services are defined by a provider entity, which is often a department of the Generalitat, local entities, parliamentary entities or other bodies.

In addition, in EACAT Procedures, we find specific and generic services:

Specific services are found in the Catalog of services and procedures, and are defined by a provider entity for a specific group of entities. Some examples of specific services are:

  • PRE - Remuneration subsidies to elected officials
  • PRE - Name change entities and population centers
  • CLT - OSIC - Subsidies - Letters
  • SOC - Training with contract commitment
  • SOC - Unique Projects - Early call - Line 2

Generic services are accessible to all entities affiliated to EACAT and to any user with the corresponding permissions. Some examples of generic services are:

  • The generic request (PGEN)
  • Sending information, writings and documents
  • Notification – Electronic communication from the Generalitat de Catalunya and its public sector

5. How can you export the list of Users, Services or Mailboxes?

As the manager of your entity, you have the ability to download the list of users, the list of services or the list of mailboxes of your entity. Previously, you will have to apply the filters you consider appropriate to carry out the download.

Export the user list from Administration settings > EACAT Procedures > account_circle Users > icon > Export users in a .csv file.

The .csv file will be named users_ens_XX.csv and will include the following fields:

  • Id: User ID within EACAT.
  • Identifier: User's personal identification number.
  • Name: Username.

Export service relationships from Administration settings > EACAT Procedures > Services > icon > Export services or Export processing volume in a .csv file.

    • Export services: The .csv file will be named services-box-null.csv and will include the following fields:
      • Service_Code: service identification code.
      • service_name: name of the service.
      • Service_topic, within which the service is framed.
      • Subtopic_service, within which the service is framed.
    • Export processing volumes: the .csv file will be named services_tramitacio_XX.csv and will include the following fields:
      • service_name: name of the service.
      • Service_Code: service identification code.
      • Processing_volume: Number of processings.
      • Recipient: name of the entity receiving the service.
      • Provider: Name of the entity providing the service.
      • generic_service

Export the list of mailboxes from Administration settings > EACAT Procedures > Mailboxes > icon > Export mailboxes in a .csv file.

The .csv file will be named busties.csv and will include the following fields:

  • Id: ID number of the mailbox within EACAT.
  • Name of the mailbox.
  • Users: number of users in each mailbox.
  • Services: number of services within each mailbox.
  • Id_unitat_organizativa: identification number of the organizational unit of each mailbox.
  • organizational_unit_name: name of the organizational unit of each mailbox.

Export the list of users, services or mailboxes by applying the filters you need.

6. What are mailboxes?

Mailboxes are a new system that allows an entity to be organized into thematic, organic or functional groupings of services and users, in EACAT Procedures. They are containers of inter-administrative processing services to which you assign users.

Find related information in EGT - What are mailboxes?

7. What are organizational units (OUs)?

They constitute bodies or work units of your entity, which serve to localize specific services or personalize the generic request. For example, they can organize your organization around the following bodies: Mayor's Office, General Secretariat, territorial delegations, Subsidies Group X, Commission, etc.