1. What is Personal Space?
The personal space is the place where you can manage your information, communicate with your manager and view your organization's services.
This space is made up of the following sections:
General , with the following sections:
- Personal data
- Conctact information
- password
- preferences
- Register of Skilled Officials (RFH)
Managers, which allows you to contact the manager of your entity through an email.
Services, which facilitates the consultation of services, according to the following filters:
- With access / Without access
- Recipient: All, I am a recipient or I am not a recipient.
- Type of service: All, Specific or Generic
- lender
AOC Services, which gives you a view of the permissions associated with each assigned AOC service, such as EACAT Proceedings , Copy , eNotum , and others.
2. How do you get there?
To access the Personal Space :
- Access EACAT
- click
the avatar of your entity
- Select
personal space
3. Who can access it?
Any user can access it.
4. What can you do with it?
On the one hand, you have information that you can manage, that is, that you can edit and modify if necessary; and on the other hand, there is information that you can only consult.
5. What can you manage?
You can edit the information found in the different sections.
From the General section you can edit the following information:
- First and last name
- phone
- Phone
- password
You can also:
- Choose the entity you want to appear by default when accessing EACAT 3.0, in case you are a user of more than one entity.
- Check if there is a preferred signer assigned, before sending a procedure to the To sign status, if you select it here.
- See the detailed explanation about the person in charge of the file, when starting the first draft of the file, if you so select it here.
From the Managers section, you can contact the manager of your entity via email
From the Services section, you can request access to a specific service from your entity's manager > Request access
6. What data can you consult?
Information is available for reference only and is found in the following sections:
In the General section:
- Identifier to access (NIF, NIE, etc.)
- Position within the entity
- Your personal data from the Register of Skilled Officials (RFH)
- Date of registration in the RFH
- Date of discharge from the RFH
- Administrative unit to which you belong
- Functions or tasks you develop within the RFH
In the Managers section you can check the name of the different managers of your entity.
In the Services section, you can consult the list of services by selecting the following filters:
- With access / Without access , depending on whether or not you can access the services.
- Recipient , if all the services appear or only the services for which you are or are not the recipient of the service.
- Service type , if all services appear, only the specific ones or the generic ones.
- Provider , depending on which entity provides the service.
In the AOC Services section, you can check the permissions assigned to the AOC services to which you have access.
Find more related information at:
EP - The Register of Skilled Officials (RFH), what information do you find there?
EP - How can you request access to a service?
EP - What does the option “See the explanation about the file manager” mean?
EP - What does the option “Check the existence of preferred signatory” mean?