1. What are they and what are they for?
Mailboxes are a container for inter-administrative processing services (EACAT Procedures), grouped by thematic, organic or functional areas, to which you add a certain number of users. This is how users added to the mailbox can access, consult and edit all the procedures of the services.
Therefore, the mailbox system is designed to simplify the management of access to these services and improve internal organization, although it is optional and it is the manager of the entity who administers it (activates, creates, deactivates and deletes mailboxes).
To activate mailboxes , you must go to General > Properties > Use mailboxes in the entity
When the mailboxes are activated, their quota appears in the entity, which represents the maximum number of mailboxes allowed.
Find related information in EGT - What is the mailbox fee?
2. When is it advisable to use them?
The organization in mailboxes is recommended for entities with a high volume of processing and a large number of users, since it allows to have a clear organization, improving the management of access to services and the efficiency of the entity. This type of organization allows users to see only the services of the mailboxes to which they are assigned, although it involves an initial investment of time and management.
For organizations with few users and an internal policy of open and unrestricted access to information, it is recommended to do without the mailbox system . However, it is important to note that in this case, everyone will have access to all services without restrictions.
Organizing in mailboxes is more efficient, although it requires more initial and management effort. On the other hand, working without mailboxes simplifies the initial process, but it is important to keep in mind that all users can see everything.
Before creating the mailbox organization for your organization, it is essential to spend time reflecting on the following aspects:
- Do you want all users of your organization to be able to manage all services?
- If so , you do not need to use the mailbox system.
- If not , what logic should they follow and what organization should the mailboxes reflect?
3. What types are there?
There are 2 types of mailboxes:
The global mailbox that is created automatically, once the mailboxes are activated in an entity, and that has a number of characteristics that differentiate it from the rest:
- It is created automatically and cannot be removed manually.
- There is only one per entity.
- It contains all the specific and generic services of the entity, both current and future.
- Initially, it has no users assigned to it. You need to assign them.
The other specific mailboxes that are created later with a certain organizational logic.
The global mailbox is created automatically and contains all the services of the entity, but does not initially have any users added. If you need someone to have access to all services, you'll need to add them specifically to the global mailbox.
4. How do you activate and deactivate them in your organization?
To enable mailboxes , go to General > Properties > and enable the Use mailboxes in entity switch. Next, you will see the quota of mailboxes belonging to your entity, which determines the maximum number of mailboxes you can create, according to the specifications of the EACAT administration.
When you enable mailboxes, the global mailbox is created, which includes all services without added users, and you can create individual mailboxes to add users, services, and, if applicable, organizational units.
To disable mailboxes , go to General > Properties > and turn off the Use mailboxes in entity switch. It is important to note that this will affect the entire organization and the work system established so far; although you can always recover the previous organization by re-enabling the mailboxes.
Remember that when you deactivate mailboxes, all users of the entity have full access to the services.
5. What to do when you activate them?
When you activate mailboxes, the Mailboxes section appears in the menu of the EACAT Procedures administration manager's Space , and the subsection Mailboxes within the Users and Services sections.
In the Mailboxes section, the global mailbox is automatically created, where you will find all the services of your entity and no added users. If you want to add one, you must know that it will see and be able to work in all services. Remember that the global mailbox has a series of peculiarities that are explained in point 3 .
Before creating the mailbox organization of your entity it is crucial to spend time thinking about its logic and structure. Once you have this figured out, create and manage mailboxes:
- Create the specific mailboxes that you consider necessary for the different users of your organization to work in the various thematic areas to which the services belong.
- Assign the corresponding services to it.
- Add users to it.
- If necessary, assign organizational units (OUs) to them.
Remember that you can only create specific mailboxes until you reach the quota of mailboxes assigned to your entity.
Find related information in EGT - What are the consequences of activating and deactivating mailboxes?
6. How do you create or delete a mailbox?
To create a mailbox:
- Access the Manager's Space from Administration settings > EACAT Procedures
- Go to the Mailboxes section.
- Press the Create Mailbox button and give it a name.
If you later want to change or modify the name, select the mailbox and click the icon ... > Edit name
To delete a mailbox:
- Access the Manager's Space from Administration settings > EACAT Procedures
- Go to the Mailboxes section
- Select a specific mailbox
- Press Delete Mailbox on the "..." icon
Please note that deleting a mailbox has significant implications, as it means disassociating the services and associated users. Also, once deleted, previous information cannot be recovered.
Remember that the global mailbox cannot be deleted.
Find related information in EGT - Can the global mailbox be deleted?
7. How do you add users and assign services to it?
You can add users and assign services to a mailbox in two ways: individually or by importing a file.
To add users to a mailbox individually:
- Access the Manager's Space from Administration settings > EACAT Procedures > Mailboxes
- Select the mailbox you want to add users to.
- Select Users account_circle .
- Search the user by first and last name.
- Enable the user's switch.
Repeat this process for each user you want to add to the mailbox.
To assign services to a mailbox individually:
- Access the Manager's Space from Administration settings > EACAT Procedures > Mailboxes
- Select the mailbox to which you want to assign the services.
- Select Services and expand the information of the specific mailbox so that you can better visualize the services and the different filters.
- Search for the service by title.
- Turn on the service switch.
Repeat this process for each service you want to assign to the mailbox.
The global mailbox already has all services assigned and does not allow any more to be assigned. This feature is only available for new mailboxes you create.
The option to import users and services is more recommended for mailboxes with a large number of users and/or services. We explain how to do it in point 8.
8. Can you import users and services?
Importing users to a mailbox can be very useful for your organization, especially if the mailbox has a large volume of users.
There are two key situations to consider: importing to the global mailbox , where you only need to import the users, as this mailbox contains all services automatically; and the import to a specific mailbox , where both the users and the necessary services must be imported.
To import users to a mailbox , follow these steps:
- Access Administration settings > EACAT Procedures > Mailboxes
- Select the mailbox where you want to import the users.
- Press the icon ... > Import users
- Select one of the files: Users or Users to be added . Decide which one you want to use:
- Users , an empty template named users-box-example.csv is downloaded, to be filled with the Identifier and Name of each user.
- Unassigned Users , a template named users-mailbox-available.csv is downloaded with all users not in the mailbox; for each user we have the Identifier (NIF or NIE) and Name (name and surname).
- Download the corresponding template.
- Prepare one of the templates. Only CSV and semicolon (;) separated files are allowed. Remember that you must leave the first line unchanged, with the names of the fields that come to you by default.
- Upload the file prepared with the import data and you will automatically see them in the list of mailboxes.
- Review the import summary to make sure everything loaded correctly.
To import services to a mailbox you've created, follow these steps:
- Access Administration settings > EACAT Procedures > Mailboxes
- Select the mailbox where you want to import the Services
- Press the icon ... > Import services
- Select one of the files: Services or Services s ense assignar . Decide which one you want to use:
- Services , an empty template named services-box-example.csv is downloaded, to fill in with the Service_Code and Service_Name-
- Unassigned Services , a template named services-mailbox-available.csv is downloaded with all services that are not in the mailbox; for each service we have the service_code (functional code), service_name (service title), service_topic and service_subtopic .
- Download the corresponding template.
- Prepare one of the templates. Only CSV and semicolon (;) separated files are allowed. Remember that you must leave the first line unchanged, with the names of the fields that come to you by default.
- Upload the file prepared with the import data and you will automatically see them in the list of mailboxes.
- Review the import summary to make sure everything loaded correctly.
9. How can you export users and services?
You can download the list of users or the list of services in Administration settings > EACAT Procedures > section Mailboxes > select a specific mailbox > icon ... > Export users or Export services in a .csv file.
Select the desired mailbox and export the list of users or services it contains, applying the filters you need beforehand.
The .csv file is named users-box-XX.csv or erveis-box-XX.csv.
Mailbox User File Fields:
- Id, which is the user ID within EACAT.
- Identifier, which is the user's personal identification number.
- Name, which is the user's name.
Mailbox Services File Fields:
- Service_code, which is the identification code of the service.
- service_name, which is the title of the service.
- Service_topic, thematic area within which the service is included.
- Subtopic_service, subtopic areas into which a topic is divided.
To export the data correctly to an Excel file or similar:
- Open an Excel sheet.
- Place the cursor in the first cell.
- From the menu, select Data > Get Data > From File > From Text/CSV .
- Browse your computer and select the .csv file.
- Press the Import button.
- A screen will appear with all the data of the file. Press the Load button.
10. How can you export the list of mailboxes of your organization?
You can download the list of mailboxes from Administration settings > EACAT Procedures > section Mailboxes > icon ... > Export mailboxes in a .csv file. Previously select the filters you need to narrow down the list.
The file will be named busties.csv and will contain the following fields:
- Id, is the identification of the mailbox within EACAT.
- Name of the mailbox.
- Users, is the number of users in each mailbox.
- Services, is the number of services found in each mailbox.
- Id_unitat_organizativa, is the identification number of the organizational unit that is in each mailbox.
- Organization_unit_name, which is the name of the organizational unit in each mailbox.
Export the list of mailboxes, using the filters you consider appropriate.
11. How can you organize your organization in mailboxes?
Organizing the entity into mailboxes is optional and can be turned on or off from General > Properties > by turning on the Use mailboxes in entity switch
While this proposal may be useful, it is worth considering whether there is another organization that might work better for your organization.
To know where you start from in the current EACAT, we have prepared a list where you will find the users, the services and the promoter. You can access it by going to the section Configuration / Users / download the Users/Services/Promoter list. We think it can help you know which mailboxes you have to create in the new EACATi also when distributing users and services in the different mailboxes created.
use case
You have decided to organize access to the services of EACAT Procedures in mailboxes to tidy up the entity and so that users do not view all the services.
- Considering your quota of 30 mailboxes, we suggest you create mailboxes based on a thematic logic. Create 18 mailboxes , one for each topic in which EACAT Procedures categorizes its services. Find this information in the List of Topics and subtopics into which specific services can be categorized in the EACAT Service Catalog . These mailboxes are:
- culture
- Economy
- Education and formation
- Emergencies security
- Sports, leisure and leisure
- housing
- Industry and energy
- justice
- Language and communication
- Natural environment
- Mobility and transport
- Research and innovation
- Health
- Social services
- Society, citizenship and families
- Territory and landscape. urban planning
- work
- Tourism
- If, due to the characteristics and processing volume of your entity, you need more than 18 thematic mailboxes, it is advisable to break down the mailboxes with the highest processing volume into subthematic mailboxes. For example, if the Culture mailbox needs subdivision, replace it with the subtopics of Culture in which the services of EACAT Procedures are categorized, thus increasing the total number of mailboxes to 27 :
- Culture - Performing arts
- Culture - Archives
- Culture - Libraries
- Culture - Cinema and audiovisuals
- Culture - Popular culture
- Culture - Letters
- Culture - Historical memory
- Culture - Museums
- Culture - Music
- Culture - Cultural heritage
- A mailbox must be created for the generic services of EACAT Procedures. We call this mailbox Generic and it is necessary so that users in charge can redirect generic requests to the appropriate user. With this, you will have a total of 28 mailboxes , including the thematic, sub-thematic and generic ones.
- You can create another mailbox for services that you think will never be used in your organization. We will call this mailbox Discarded and you will place all the services that you will possibly never process, either because despite being able to process them they will not be used or because you are not their recipient. This means that you have greatly reduced the number of services to distribute between the thematic, sub-thematic and generic mailboxes you have created.
To find out if a service has ever been processed or not , you can select the option Export processing volume from the icon ... and the list of services with their processing volume will be downloaded (for now, this list offers a list of all services as of 06/24/2024). In the service-tramitacio-XX.csv file , which will be downloaded, there is a field that informs precisely about this. Since this is a very large list, prepare it for later import into the Discarded mailbox.Find related information at:
EGT – How do you export your entity's list of services within EACAT Procedures? - Continue adding services to the remaining mailboxes. You can consult the general list of services, which you can download from the "..." icon, where there are all the services categorized by a thematic and subthematic area. This will help you to assign services in each of the mailboxes that we have proposed. Before downloading the list, apply the filters you think are appropriate.
- In the Global mailbox, which has been created automatically, you will find all services and no users. Therefore, it is necessary to add users with specific positions (secretaries, controllers and secretaries-controllers) who need full access to the services. Be sure to include other users who require full access as well.
- In the other thematic or sub-thematic mailboxes, assign the users who need access to the specific services in each area. There is no need to add global mailbox users as they have access to all services.
- Once the 29 thematic/sub-thematic, Generic and Discarded mailboxes are linked to the Global mailbox, you have a total of 30 mailboxes .
- Culture - Performing arts
- Culture - Archives
- Culture - Libraries
- Culture - Cinema and audiovisuals
- Culture - Popular culture
- Culture - Letters
- Culture - Historical memory
- Culture - Museums
- Culture - Music
- Culture - Cultural heritage
- Economy
- Education and formation
- Emergencies security
- Sports, leisure and leisure
- housing
- Industry and energy
- justice
- Language and communication
- Natural environment
- Mobility and transport
- Research and innovation
- Health
- Social services
- Society, citizenship and families
- Territory and landscape. urban planning
- work
- Tourism
- generic
- global
- Use the Services section to query services without an assigned mailbox (Mailbox filter) and assign them to the appropriate mailboxes.
Remember that your organization has a thematic and sub-thematic logic. You can check the services in the section of the same name and use the No mailbox option in the Mailbox drop-down filter to view services that do not yet have a mailbox assigned to them. Add these services to the corresponding mailboxes. Select the visibility icon on the service you want to assign, where you will find the thematic and sub-thematic scope of each service, which will help you decide which mailbox to assign them to. To do this:- Go to Services and select the service
- Access the Mailboxes subsection
- Search for the topic or subtopic where the service is located
- Assign it by turning on the mailbox switch
- When a new user joins, add him to the corresponding mailbox according to the tasks he will have to perform:
- Go to Mailboxes and select the mailbox
- Search for the user
- Add it to your mailbox by turning on the switch