The management of access to inter-administrative processing services (EACAT Procedures) is carried out through the mailbox system, designed to simplify this task. You have 2 options:

1. Work with the mailbox system:

  • Recommended for entities with a high volume of processing and a large number of users.
  • Users will only have access to the services assigned to their mailboxes.
  • It allows services and users to be organized, keeping the entity structured, with the initial creation effort and subsequent maintenance.

2. Not working with the mailbox system:

  • Recommended for entities with a small number of users and an internal policy of open and unrestricted access to information.
  • All users will have access to all services, whether existing or new, without the need to carry out any management.
  • It requires no initial effort or maintenance.

Organizing in mailboxes is more efficient, although it requires more initial and management effort. Working without mailboxes simplifies the initial process, but all users will be able to see everything.

Before creating the mailbox organization for your organization, it is essential to spend time reflecting on the following aspects:

  • Do you want all of your users to be able to manage all of our services?
    • If so , you do not need to use the mailbox system.
    • If not , what logic should they follow and what organization should the mailboxes reflect?