Organizing the entity into mailboxes is optional and you can enable or disable it from General > Properties > by activating the Use mailboxes in entity switch.

While this proposal may be useful, it is worth considering whether there is another organization that might work better for your entity.

To know where you start in the current EACAT, we have prepared a list where you will find the users, services and the promoter. You can access it by going to the Configuration / Users section / download the Users/Services/Promoter list. We think it can help you know which mailboxes you should create in the new EACAT and also when distributing the users and services in the different mailboxes created.

Use case

You have decided to organize access to EACAT Procedures services in mailboxes to streamline the entity and so that users do not view all the services.

  1. Considering your quota of 30 mailboxes, we suggest you create mailboxes based on a thematic logic. Create 18 mailboxes , one for each topic in which EACAT Trámits categorizes its services. Find this information in the List of Topics and subtopics in which specific services can be categorized in the EACAT Services Catalog . These mailboxes are:
    • Culture
    • Economy
    • Education and training
    • Emergencies. Security
    • Sports, leisure and entertainment
    • Housing
    • Industry and energy
    • Justice
    • Language and communication
    • Environment
    • Mobility and transport
    • Research and innovation
    • Health
    • Social services
    • Society, citizenship and families
    • Territory and landscape. Urban planning
    • Work
    • Tourism
  2. If, due to the characteristics and volume of processing of your entity, you need more than 18 thematic mailboxes, it is advisable to break down the mailboxes with the highest volume of processing into sub-thematic mailboxes. For example, if the Culture mailbox needs subdivision, replace it with the Culture sub-topics in which the EACAT Procedures services are categorized, thus increasing the total number of mailboxes to 27 :
    • Culture - Performing arts
    • Culture - Archives
    • Culture - Libraries
    • Culture - Cinema and audiovisuals
    • Culture - Popular culture
    • Culture - Letters
    • Culture - Historical memory
    • Culture - Museums
    • Culture - Music
    • Culture - Cultural heritage
  3. You need to create a mailbox for the generic services of EACAT Trámits. We call this mailbox Generic and it is necessary so that the users in charge can redirect the generic requests to the appropriate user. With this, you will have a total of 28 mailboxes , including thematic, sub-thematic and generic.
  4. You can create another mailbox for services that you think will never be used in your organization. We will call this mailbox Discarded and you will place all the services that you will possibly never process in it, either because despite being able to process them, they will not be used or because you are not the recipient of them. This means that you have greatly reduced the number of services to be distributed among the thematic, sub-thematic and generic mailboxes that you have created.

    To find out if a service has ever been processed or not , you can select the Export processing volume option from the ... icon and the list of services with their processing volume will be downloaded (for now, this list offers you a list of all services on 06/24/2024). In the file serveis-tramitacio-XX.csv ., which will be downloaded, there is a field that informs precisely about this. As it is a very large list, prepare it for later import into the Discarded mailbox.

    Find related information at:

    EGT – How do you export the list of services of your entity within EACAT Trámits?

  5. Continue adding services to the rest of the mailboxes. You can consult the general list of services, which you can download from the "..." icon, where all the services are categorized by thematic and sub-thematic area. This will help you assign services to each of the mailboxes that we have proposed. Before downloading the list, apply the filters you deem appropriate.
  6. In the Global mailbox, which was created automatically, you will find all the services and no users. Therefore, you need to add users with specific positions (secretaries, auditors and secretaries-auditors) who need full access to the services. Make sure to also add other users who require full access. FAQ 12 EGT Point 11.6 _ FAQ 29 Point 6.png
  7. In the other thematic or sub-thematic mailboxes, assign users who need access to the specific services of each area. It is not necessary to add users from the global mailbox, as they have access to all services.
  8. Once you have linked the 29 thematic/sub-thematic, Generic and Discarded mailboxes to the Global mailbox, you have a total of 30 mailboxes .
    • Culture - Performing arts
    • Culture - Archives
    • Culture - Libraries
    • Culture - Cinema and audiovisuals
    • Culture - Popular culture
    • Culture - Letters
    • Culture - Historical memory
    • Culture - Museums
    • Culture - Music
    • Culture - Cultural heritage
    • Economy
    • Education and training
    • Emergencies. Security
    • Sports, leisure and entertainment
    • Housing
    • Industry and energy
    • Justice
    • Language and communication
    • Environment
    • Mobility and transport
    • Research and innovation
    • Health
    • Social services
    • Society, citizenship and families
    • Territory and landscape. Urban planning
    • Work
    • Tourism
    • Generic
    • Global
  9. Use the Services section to view services without an assigned mailbox (Mailbox filter) and assign them to the appropriate mailboxes.

    Remember that your organization has a thematic and sub-thematic logic. You can consult the services in the section of the same name and use the No mailbox option in the Mailbox drop-down filter to view the services that do not yet have a mailbox assigned. Add these services to the corresponding mailboxes. Select the visibility icon on the service you want to assign, where you will find the thematic and sub-thematic scope of each service, which will help you decide which mailbox to assign them to. To do this:

    • Go to Services and select the service
    • Access the Mailboxes subsection
    • Search for the topic or subtopic where the service is located.
    • Assign it by turning on the mailbox switch

    FAQ 12 EGT Point 11.10 _ FAQ 29 Point 10.png

  10. When a new user joins, add them to the corresponding mailbox according to the tasks they will need to perform:
    • Go to Mailboxes and select the mailbox.
    • Search for user
    • Add it to your mailbox by turning on the switch.