1. What is it?

The Catalogue of Services and Procedures (CST or Catalogue) is the space where you can find inter-administrative processing services and their procedures, what we call EACAT Procedures. In other words, it is an organized set of specific services, with their associated procedures, that providers offer to their recipients to facilitate electronic processing between public administrations. However, you can also find generic services and the registry office grouped together in a section.

Below, we define some necessary concepts:

  • Providers: these are the Catalan public entities that define a service in EACAT Procedures to make it available to certain recipients.
  • Recipients: these are the Catalan public entities to which the services and procedures defined by the providers are addressed.
  • Services: are the set of procedures that are carried out sequentially, orderly and systematically to cover a specific need, such as granting a subsidy, registering an activity or managing a sanctioning procedure.
  • Procedures: are each of the parts that make up a service. It is important to note that there is no procedure without an associated service.

You will find related information in the Glossary of Terms .

2. What are the requirements to access it?

Have the basic permit assigned within EACAT Procedures.

You can review the permissions you have in all EACAT services, including EACAT Procedures, in the Personal Space.

3. How can you access it?

Access EACAT > Press the book icon from the left menu.

4. What is its structure?

Within the CST, there are the following elements:

1. Image with the title of the CST

2. Selector to choose:

  • Published catalog
  • Unpublished catalog

And, Search bar , where you can search for words or do an advanced search by pressing tune

3. Filter bar

By default, and before performing a search , the options Within the deadline filter and I am the recipient of the Recipient filter are activated. You can also access Search Tips.

But if you do a search, the filters appear:

  • All / Services / Procedures
  • Other filters that appear are:
    • Deadline
    • Lender
    • Recipient
    • Advanced Search button

4. Sections , appear before performing a search and are:

  • Procedures about to be completed
  • Favorite services , if you have saved any services
  • New services published
  • Generic services , where you will also find the registration office

5. Number of results and order of results (search tips)

6. Results , appear if you have done a simple or advanced search; or if you have selected a filter from the filter bar.

When you select a service or procedure from Results , you will see:

  • The service sheet
  • The procedure sheet

You view the sections when you access the Catalog, when you press the book icon in the left menu.

The advanced search engine includes the filters in the filter bar and some more (typology, topic and subtopic).

Find related information in CST - How can you view the Catalog?

5. What is the published and unpublished catalog?

The published catalog includes all services and procedures that are visible and accessible to users. These may include services that you may or may not be a recipient of, as well as procedures that are on time, out of time, and awaiting activation.

The unpublished catalog is the set of services and procedures that can no longer be used and are not available for processing, but which are kept grouped for historical or consultation reasons, to know that they existed in the past.

6. How can you search for specific services and procedures?

To search for specific services and procedures in the Catalog you can:

  • Use the search engine, entering keywords related to the service or procedure you need. To obtain more accurate and relevant results, we recommend that you follow these search tips :
    • Use keywords: Focus on the most important words to find what you need.
    • Choose specific terms: Opt for uncommon words to refine your search.
    • Remove irrelevant terms: If a word gives you unwanted results, remove it from your search.
    • Narrow your search to Services : This will help you get more specific results.
    • Check if a service is unpublished: If you can't find an old service, it may be unpublished.
  • Using advanced search allows you to narrow your results more precisely:
    • Explore by service provider.
    • Browse by typologies or topics and subtopics : the catalog is organized into typologies as well as thematic and subtopic areas. Select the topic and subtopic that best fits your search to obtain more precise results.
    • Apply other filters in the advanced search: you can refine your search by filtering by Results (All, services, procedures or initial and nearing completion procedures), Deadline (on time, overdue and pending), Provider , Recipient (all, I am the recipient, I am not the recipient).

7. What is the filter bar and what is it for?

The filter bar is used to limit the number of results and make it easier to find the service or procedure you need. Please note that this bar appears after you perform your first search in the Catalog.

The filter bar contains most of those available in advanced search, which are:

  • All / Services / Procedures ( Results in the advanced search engine), which allows you to choose whether you want to consult the complete Catalog of services and procedures, only the services or only the procedures. If you select Procedures , additional options will be displayed:
    • Initials are the procedures that initiate a file and that can be processed from the Catalog.
    • About to finish , which appear if we have also selected On time . These are the procedures that have a completion deadline of the next 15 days.
  • Term , with the following options:
    • All
    • Out of time
    • On time
    • On hold
  • Provider, which allows you to select a specific provider of inter-administrative processing services, such as the Department of the Presidency (PRE) or the Catalan Water Agency (ACA).
  • Recipient, with the following options:
    • All
    • I am a recipient, which shows all the services and procedures of which your entity is a recipient
    • I am not a recipient, which shows the services and procedures for which your entity is not a recipient.

You can also access Advanced Search from the filter bar, where you will find additional drop-down filters such as:

  • Typology
  • Topic and Subtopic

    If you select any of the options in these last filters, they will be displayed in the filter bar. If you are not interested in them, you can close them from the same bar.

Procedures that are out of time or on hold cannot be processed.

Remember that if you are looking for an old service, its provider may have depublished it and it may be in the Unpublished Catalog. The first distinction to make is between published catalog and unpublished catalog, options that you will find to the left of the search bar in Results .

8. What are the sections for?

The sections help you better organize the Catalog and quickly access the services that interest you most. Currently, these sections are:

  • Favorite services : these are those you save because you use them often or because you will need them soon.
  • Newly published services : These are the latest services that have been published.
  • Procedures about to end : these are procedures that will end in the next 15 days, meaning that you have a few days to process them.
  • Generic services: these are the generic services and the registration window, which are managed from EACAT Classic.

9. What information do you find about the services?

The information for a service is found in the Service Description , and may vary depending on the data provided by the provider. If all sections are completed, you will find the following information:

  • Title of the service , which designates the provider entity.
  • Management icons , which allow you to save bookmark_add or delete a service in the Favorite Services section.
  • Provider , which is the name of the entity providing the service.
  • Term: Start and end, which is the period to process the service.
  • Procedures, which includes information about:
    • Who carries out the procedure: Recipient / Lender
    • List of procedures (type and status):
      • Initial procedure / Response procedure. If it is an initial procedure, you can start it from here.
      • Status of the procedure. It can be within the deadline, overdue, pending or unpublished.
  • Description , brief explanation of the service.
  • Recipients , which are the types or groups of entities to which the service is intended.
  • Objectives , the purpose of the service.
  • Documentation to be submitted, which includes documents to be filled out and attached to the procedure or a list of required documents.
  • Applicable regulations, the regulatory provisions that regulate the service.
  • Typology within which the service is located.
  • Topic and subtopic , thematic and subthematic area in which the service is located.

In the service file, the alert system informs you if you do not have access to a service or procedure and allows you to request access to your manager. In exceptional cases, a service or procedure that appears in the published Catalog may not be visible because the entity providing the service has decided so.

10. What information is there about the procedures?

Information about a procedure is found in the Procedure Sheet , which may vary depending on the data provided by the lending entity.

What information is there about the procedures (1).png

If all sections are completed, you will find the following information:

  • Title of the procedure.
  • Information on whether the procedure is: On time / About to end / Out of time / On hold.
  • Initial or response procedure.
  • Deadline : Start and End, which is the period to process the service.
  • Who carries out the procedure : the lending entity or the recipient.
  • Start button , if applicable.
  • Content , which includes:
    • Description
    • How to do it
    • Documentation
    • Additional information
  • Responses , which are the procedures for responding to the procedure.

The procedure information always includes details of the service to which it belongs to provide you with context.

11. What type of services do you find there?

There are two types of services:

  • Generic service, designed to be used by any of the entities adhering to the platform and by any user who has the necessary permissions. These services are not linked to a specific provider or to a specific set of recipient entities. An example of a generic service is the generic request.
  • Specific service, designed by a specific provider and aimed at a specific group of recipient entities, which aims to carry out a specific administrative action (granting subsidies, authorizing activities, etc.). For example, the PRE service – Subsidies for remuneration of elected officials 2020 .

12. What types of procedures are there?

There are two types of procedures:

  • Initial procedure: it is the first step within an administrative procedure, which starts the entire process. For example, when requesting a subsidy, the initial procedure is to submit the application.
  • Response procedure: is what continues a procedure that has already been initiated (answering a request for documentation or justifying the expenses of a subsidy). These procedures must be carried out from the Processing Area , within your file.

From the Catalog you will only be able to carry out procedures that initiate a file, that is, initial procedures.

13. How can you request access to a service?

If you do not have access to a service that you need to process, you can request it from your entity's manager from:

  • book Procedures catalog >
    When selecting a service, 2 situations may occur:
    • You do not have access to the service because your manager has not given it to you> Request access
    • Your entity is not a recipient of the service> Request access

In both cases, an alert will appear and you will have to press Request access; but in the event that the entity is not the recipient, you must select your manager and send them an email requesting access to the service or asking them to contact the provider, who will evaluate whether your entity can be considered the recipient of the service, respectively.

14. How do you start an electronic transaction?

From the Catalog you can initiate an electronic procedure, following the following steps:

1. Search for the service:

  • If you know the name, type it in the search bar.
  • If you don't know the name , you can narrow down results using the advanced search filters or the filter bar.

2. Select the service:

  • If you do not have access to the service, do what we have explained in point 13 How you can request access to a service .
  • If you have access, you can continue.

3. Press Start on the chosen procedure .
4. Fill out and finalize the form.

Please note that if the form is in PDF format, it will be downloaded directly. However, if it is a web form, you will access the old platform and, therefore, you will need to have access permissions to the service in EACAT Classic.