EACAT is the platform through which Catalan public administrations and entities relate to each other. Below you will find the steps to be able to use EACAT:

Access recommendations and technical requirements

To access the EACAT you must access the address www.eacat.cat . It is very important that if you save an address in your browser favorites, it is the right one.

To navigate and make use of the services on the Extranet portal of the Catalan Administrations (EACAT) and its applications, optimally, we recommend having at least the following technical requirements:

To download the previous applications, you will need to have administrator permissions on the corresponding computer.

Registration of a new organization in EACAT

In order to be able to use the platform, the administration or public entity must be a member of EACAT.

If you don't know if your organization is a member, you can check the list of members at EACAT . If your organization appears on the list , there must be one or more people from your organization who can register you. Contact Human Resources or your colleagues to find out who the EACAT user manager is.

If you are not a member, you will need to follow the steps on How to join EACAT.

If you are the user manager of a new EACAT registered us, see the first steps with EACAT: New member body.

Registration of users in EACAT

If the entity where you work is already a member of EACAT , there will be one or more people from the entity with permissions to register new users and assign them permissions for the different services and procedures.

If you don't know who your user manager is, ask your human resources area, secretary or colleagues.

Once you're registered, you can identify yourself with:

  • Digital certificate
  • EACAT username and password
  • ATRI username and password (for employees of the Generalitat de Catalunya.)
Access with username and password of EACAT

To access the EACAT with a username and password, you must access the address www.eacat.cat and inform your NIF and password, then "Log in".


First time accessing the portal
When a new user registers on EACAT, the user receives an email with the username and password. The first time you access www.eacat.cat , after informing the NIF and the password indicated in the e-mail, you will need to update the password. The new password must meet the complexity requirements established by the AOC Consortium's security policy.

Password modification
The user can change their access password at any time from the “Settings” tab:


Or from the home screen:

In both cases, to change it you must first inform the current password.

I don't remember the password
If you forget, it is possible to request a new one by accessing > Problems accessing?

The system asks to indicate the NIF and email address (the data contained in EACAT). The system sends an email with a new password that must be changed as soon as EACAT is accessed.

For more information see START - Access to EACAT with password

Access with digital certificate

To access the EACAT with a digital certificate, you must go to www.eacat.cat and select the "Access with certificate" option.


You will then have to select the certificate with which you will access the platform and click "Accept"


Before accessing with a digital certificate, make sure that:

  • You have a valid electronic certificate
  • You have this certificate correctly installed on the system or, in the case of a card or USB certificate, that it is correctly connected.
  • You have installed the public keys and certificate software.

In the case of a T-CAT certificate on the card, check that you have installed the necessary software for its operation.
If it is a certificate issued by a lender other than AOC, you must contact the support of the same in order to review the points mentioned.

Access with ATRI user

If you are a user of the Generalitat's corporate directory (GICAR), you can access EACAT with the credentials of the directory.

Permissions for services and procedures

Once you access EACAT, you can check the permissions your user has in the "Settings" > My space section. If you need any additional permission, your manager can give it to you. On the HOME screen of EACAT you will see who is the manager or managers of the entity.


Can I access EACAT if I am a citizen?

Natural persons are not eligible to join EACAT. It should be borne in mind that EACAT is the platform through which the public administrations and/or organizations with public participation in Catalonia relate to each other.

If you need to carry out procedures with a public administration, all you have to do is access their website or electronic office and select the type of procedure you want to carry out. If the processing to be carried out is the sending of an electronic invoice or the consultation of a notification, you will surely be interested in these contents on how to invoice the administration and how to consult electronic notifications from the administration .

Can EACAT be accessed by private companies?

Private companies are not eligible to join EACAT. It should be borne in mind that EACAT is the platform through which the public administrations and/or organizations with public participation in Catalonia relate to each other.

If the company needs to carry out procedures with a public administration, all you have to do is go to its website or electronic office and choose the type of procedure you want to carry out. If it is of interest to you, we provide you with information on how to invoice the Administration and how to consult electronic notifications from the Administration .

How to access the AOC services located in EACAT?

Note: The Generalitat's e-VALISA service must not be requested at AOC. All users of the Generalitat administration registered in the GICAR Corporate Directory can access it.

EACAT generally brings together access to all the services that the AOC Consortium offers to public administrations (e-NOTUM, e-FACT, Representa, Portasignatures...). To access these services, it is necessary that, first of all, each body requests the registration of the specific service. Later, once the entity has been registered, the EACAT user manager will be able to assign service permissions to users who need access. In the "Services" section of the AOC website, you have the catalog of AOC services and how to request them.

Once the entity and the user have already been registered, as a general rule, access to the service is made from EACAT, Applications section.