When a new user is registered in EACAT, the user receives an email with the password to access the portal with the following text:
“ Your user xxxxxxxxx has been registered to EACAT in the xxxxxxxxx entity. You can access EACAT by navigating to the address https://www.eacat.cat and authenticate with your NIF and the password xxxxxxx (once you authenticate for the first time you will need to update the password).”
The first time you access the portal, after informing the NIF and the password indicated in the email, you will need to update the password. The new password must meet the complexity requirements established by the AOC Consortium's security policy.
If the user is registered in more than one us, access will always be with the same user and password. Once you have access, a dropdown will appear in the upper right of EACAT that will allow you to select the agency you want to work with.
The user can modify their access password at any time from the "Settings" tab or from the home screen. In both cases, to change it you must first inform the current password.
In case of forgetting, it is possible to request a new one by accessing www.eacat.cat > Access> Problems accessing?
The system asks to indicate the NIF and email address (the data contained in EACAT). The system sends an email with a new password that must be changed as soon as EACAT is accessed.
The user manager of the institution has the possibility to change the password of the users of the institution, without needing to know the password.
In the configuration section – Users, the user manager, when selecting the user, has the possibility to assign a new password (it must be borne in mind that when the password is changed, the system does not send any mail or notice with the new password and it will be necessary for the manager to get it to the user in some way). In this case, to generate a new password it will be necessary to comply with the requirements established in the password security policy of the AOC Consortium, with the exception of the password history check control.
When the user accesses EACAT again they will be prompted to update their password.
The AOC Consortium has implemented a security policy to ensure that passwords are secure. In this regard, the password must meet the following requirements:
- It cannot contain the user's account name or parts of the user's full name that exceed two consecutive characters.
- Have at least eight characters
- Contain characters from three of the following four categories:
- Uppercase characters (A to Z)
- Lowercase characters (aaz)
- Base 10 digits (0 to 9)
- Non-alphabetic characters (eg!, $, #,%)
- Do not be more than 60 days old, as it expires after this period of time.
- It cannot be one of the last 10 last passwords, so a password history check is performed.
- The new password must comply with the security policy. This error appears when you try to create a new password and it does not meet the requirements set out in the AOC Consortium's password security policy.
- The NIF and the address are not linked : Error that appears when the user is not indicating the data as it appears in EACAT. It is therefore necessary to review the email that has reached the user with the access data to the platform. If the data is incorrect, the user manager on the EACAT platform must be contacted to review and modify it so that the user's password can be reset.
- User Temporarily Locked: This message appears when the user has tried to log in with an incorrect password three times. For security, EACAT blocks the user momentarily, and after 10 minutes he can try again. In these cases it is recommended that after 10 minutes a new password is requested from the section "Problems to access?" from the home screen.
Please note that ATRI users are not affected by this new security policy.