The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section of Support on the Consortium website lists the most common questions that users ask at the User Service Center. These questions have been classified into the following categories:

        1. Catalog of procedures (CT)
        2. Official Journal of the Generalitat de Catalunya (DOGC)
        3. My Ens (EME)
        4. My Space (EMS)
        5. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
        6. Generic (GEN)
        7. Service Management (GS)
        8. Processing management (GT)
        9. User Management (GU)
        10. Home (HOME)
        11. Signature (GIS)
        12. Registry Interconnection Service (SIR)
        13. Generic Shipment (TGEN)
        14. Transmission of information, writings and documents (TMAS. This acronym refers to Mass Transmission, as this service is popularly known)

To make it easier to identify them, the acronym (which appears in brackets in each category) has been added to each of them, separating it from the title with a hyphen (-). For example: GT – How should a procedure be done in EACAT? These acronyms come from the different categories in which each FAQ falls.