HTML forms

1. Introduction

The Generalitat de Catalunya in processing with other public administrations, through EACAT, can use various types of forms according to their technology. Until very recently the forms I used were made with PDF technology; but they are currently starting to define procedures with HTML5 technology.

The handling of these new forms (HTML5) differs a bit from what you users are used to in EACAT. For example an HTML form is filled in directly without having to download it. Although Adobe Acrobat is not required in principle, you must have it updated to be able to consult the acknowledgment of receipt that you will receive after completing the procedure.

2. What requirements are needed?

To be able to process an HTML form you must meet the following requirements:

  • Be a user of EACAT. If not, contact the EACAT user manager of your institution. To find out who your user manager is select Start and you will see your manager as shown in the image.<_br>
  • Have permissions for the specific service with which you want to process, if you do not have them you must request them from the EACAT user manager.
  • Have a public worker digital certificate, a T-CAT. It is very important, because in order to enter the form, you need to identify yourself with a T-CAT. This certificate identifies you as a public worker within the body in which you work. Therefore, the T-CAT is essential to access and sign the form.

In case you access EACAT with username and password to start the session, it will only ask you for T-CAT at the time of accessing the form. If you have authenticated to EACAT with T-CAT you will be asked again to authenticate with T-CAT when accessing the procedure.

It is very important that if you are a user of EACAT of more than one public body, you use the T-CAT corresponding to the body in which you are working, because otherwise it will give you an error.

If you are a user of more than one entity within EACAT, you can change the entity you want to work with by pressing the indicated arrow. You will then see all the entities of which you are a user; you need to select the agency you want to work with:

3. How to access the procedure?

Most procedures with HTML5 technology are of the initial type. Therefore, to access it we must go to the Catalog of procedures and look for the corresponding initial procedure.

Response procedures will continue to be processed from My procedures always and, in most cases, will be done using PDF form technology. However, there are some response procedures that are made with HTML5 technology and which, like all response procedures, regardless of technology, you will have to search for and process from My procedures .

If it is an initial procedure, go to the Catalog of procedures and search for the service you want to use.

The search result appears. Press Service information to go to its contents.

Once in the service's contents sheet, click on the name of the procedure you want to process.

In the process content, press Process to access the form.

At this point, a new tab will open in the web browser and you will see that you are entering the processing portal of the Generalitat de Catalunya (Gencat), as this is a procedure between the Generalitat and another public body; however, your name and the name of the procedure appear.

Press the red button Access with digital identification.

To identify yourself, press Digital certificate . It is very important that you note that authentication with other mechanisms does not work, and therefore it is essential to choose the Digital certificate option.

A screen appears with all the certificates you have loaded on your computer, select the public worker certificate and press OK.

When entering your private area, you will be asked for your identification profile, which will always be Person linked to a company, organization or public body , as a public administration; and, once selected, press Submit .

4. How do you fill out the procedure form?

Below you will see the specific form to fill out. Fields that have a ( ) are mandatory. Depending on the type of form you will find some information filled in and other fields that must be entered manually.

If you do not fill in all the mandatory fields or there is a field where the validation is incorrect, the following will appear:

Once the form is filled in and validated, you will have to sign it. There are several signature mechanisms accepted for signing the procedure. It is the provider of the service who decides which signature mechanism to use.

So, the two signature mechanisms accepted to sign the form of a procedure are:

a) Ordinary signature

In this case, it is not necessary to sign the form with your T-CAT, but the procedure will be signed with an application certificate and, as evidence, the authentication process previously carried out with the T-CAT will be saved. You will only see the Submit button to complete the process.

b) Advanced signature

In this case, you must sign the procedure with your T-CAT, using the Signador web application. Only the Sign and Send button will appear to complete the process.

For more information on how to use this signature tool ( Signador ), see the How to process with html forms section.

A new tab will then open where the signature web application will load and you will need to choose your T-CAT to sign.

Both in the case of the ordinary signature and the advanced one, if the signature process ends correctly, the following message will appear with the basic data of the processing.

You will then have the option to download the acknowledgment of receipt (although you do not need to do this because this document and the attached documentation, if any, can be found in the My procedures tray of EACAT -in the document flow-).

5. How is the procedure viewed in EACAT?

To see the status of the procedure, go to My procedures / Procedures, where you will find the settlement of the procedure with the icon Queued ( ) to its left. This icon indicates that it is in queue and that the processing is pending completion for various reasons (for example, the associated documentation needs to be retrieved).

Once processing is complete, this icon will change to the normal Sent icons ( ) and Receipt ( ); at this point you can consult the details of the processing and access the documentation of the procedure.

There may be the exceptional case that a procedure could not be completed and therefore needs to be redone. The Not processed tray has been created for these cases.

At the same time, you will also see a notice totaling the number of this type of procedures (not processed) in the last 24 hours and in the last 15 days.