Within the Catalog of Services and Procedures (CST or Catalog), there are the following elements:
- Image with the title of the CST
Selector to choose:
- The published catalog is the one that always appears by default.
- The unpublished catalog , which contains the services that can no longer be processed and that the providers have decided to unpublish.
You will also find the Search Bar, where you can search for words or do an advanced search by pressing tune
- Filter bar
By default, before performing a search , it reports that the options Within the deadline of the Deadline filter and I am the recipient of the Recipient filter are checked. You can also access Search Tips .
But if you do a search, almost all filters will appear:- All / Services / Procedures .
If you select Procedures, 2 more filters appear in the filter bar, related to whether the procedures are:- Initials
- About to end , provided that the Within option is selected in the drop-down filter.
- Other filters that appear are:
- Term , with the following options:
- All
- Out of time
- On time
- On hold
- Lender
- Recipient , with the following options:
- All
- I am the recipient.
- I am not the recipient.
- Advanced Search button, some more drop-down filters than those shown in the filter bar, which are:
- Typology
- Topic and Subtopic
- Term , with the following options:
- All / Services / Procedures .
- Sections appear before performing a search and are:
- Procedures about to be completed
- Favorite services, services you have saved because you want to have them at hand
- New services published
- Generic services, which also includes the registration office.
- Number of results and order of results (search tips)
- Results appear if you have done a simple or advanced search; or if you have selected a filter from the filter bar.
When selecting a service or procedure from Results , as the case may be, you will see:- The service file , which includes various information, the procedures that make it up, with an indication of the initial procedures; as long as they are complete, they will allow us to begin processing.
- The procedure sheet , indicating the type of procedure:
- Initial procedure
- Response procedure
The alert system informs you if you do not have access to a service or procedure and allows you to request access to it from your manager. In exceptional cases, you may not have visibility in a service or procedure that appears in the published Catalogue because the entity providing the service has decided so.
You access the sections before you do your first search. This information appears when you access the CST, by pressing the book icon in the left menu.
The advanced search engine includes the filters in the filter bar and some more (typology, topic and subtopic).