The entity manager is the one who administers the Register of Qualified Officials (RFH). If you are the manager:

RFH 1.png
  • Access Administration settings > Services AOC > account_circle Users
  • Select a user > General

Within the RFH section you can edit and modify the following data:

  • Registration date: the date the user was added to the Registry.
  • Date of withdrawal: the date the user left the Registry.
  • Administrative unit: administrative body to which the user belongs.
  • Tasks: functions that the user performs in the Registry, such as assisting interested parties in the use of electronic media or issuing authentic copies.

It should be noted that all users can access their data in account_circle Personal space > General > RFH and the search engine for authorized officials in the Services Directory AOC grid_on >RFH . However, only the entity manager can edit and modify this data in the Manager's space > Services AOC .