1. The migration of users from the EACAT Classic to the new EACAT
- Users who existed in the Classic EACAT have been migrated to the new EACAT.
- From launch, you can only create users in EACAT Classic and there is a continuous migration so that when you consult the new EACAT they are already there.
- In future phases, users will be created in the new EACAT, specifically in the Services administration AOC / Users / Create users button. Currently, this button does not appear.
In Phase 1, the Create users button does not appear in the new EACAT.
2. User permissions in the new EACAT
User permissions are assigned to Administration / Services AOC / Users / Services AOC.
User permissions are assigned to Administration / Services AOC / Users / Services AOC.
The user permissions of EACAT Trámits are 3:
- Basic , everyone has it because it is automatically given when a user is created. When migrating users, it was automatically assigned to everyone.
- Entity Manager , was migrated in a first load. After launch, you can only assign it to the Classic EACAT and there is a continuous integration that means that when you consult the new EACAT it is already there.
- Signador , was migrated in a first load, although the lack of general signing permission in all services of the EACAT Classic means that continuous integration could not be defined. Therefore, it will be necessary to review the users who have this permission in the new EACAT to ensure that they are the users who should have it.
You need to review the users who have signing permission in the new EACAT to make sure they are the ones who should have it.
3. What should you do with new services and new users?
- You must assign the new users the roles of each service that corresponds to them in the Classic EACAT and, at the same time, you must assign the user permissions in the new EACAT (Administration / Services AOC / Users).
- If your entity works with mailboxes and you have already created them, you will add the new users and new services to the corresponding mailboxes. (Administration / EACAT Procedures / Mailboxes).
In this first phase, you will have to do the work on both the EACAT Classic and the new EACAT.