1. What are automatic users?
Automatic users are created when, since they do not exist in EACAT, they access for the first time with a digital certificate or GICAR (application for entering EACAT for users of the Generalitat de Catalunya). Therefore, the platform has implemented an automation that allows the entity's NIF and the user's identification data to be extracted when authenticating with one of these two methods.
Instead, manual users are created by the manager in the Classic EACAT and later synchronized in the new EACAT.
2. How to know if a user is automatic or manual?
From Administration settings > Services AOC > Users account_circle:
- Check the Registration Process column to identify whether a user is automatic or manual.
- Use the Registration Process filter with the options:
- All
- Manual
- Automatic
3. Why do automatic users appear in the new EACAT?
Why are there users who can access EACAT with a digital certificate or through the GICAR application, even though you have not created them manually in the Classic EACAT; and in the new EACAT these users are created automatically for traceability and auditing purposes.
4. What are the differences between automatic and manual users?
- Automatic users are created in the new EACAT when accessing for the first time with a digital certificate or through the GICAR application and are not previously created; on the other hand, manual users are created by the manager.
- Automatic users are created in an active state and without any permissions assigned; on the other hand, manual users who are active when they appear in the new EACAT, the result of a synchronization process from the Classic EACAT, have basic permissions assigned.
- Automatic users, as they do not have any permissions assigned, only view the Home page, the Personal Space and the AOC Services Directory; but they cannot access the Services and Procedures Catalog or the EACAT Procedures Processing Space. On the other hand, manual users can also view the Catalog and Processing Space.
5. Does the digital certificate identify the user within an entity?
Yes, as long as the digital certificate of a public worker is a T-CAT, since this is automatically associated with the entity to which it belongs.
Thus, when the public worker validates with the certificate in the new EACAT, provided that it does not previously exist, the system uses this information to assign it to the corresponding entity, ensuring traceability and adequate audit trail. In this case, the new EACAT will create an automatic record to allow their identification and use of the service, in this case EACAT Trámits.
If the user tries to access with a personal certificate such as IdCat and is not registered as a user in EACAT, they will not be able to access the platform. If the user exists in EACAT, they will be able to access using IdCAT.
6. What do you do when you don't recognize an automatic user?
Check if anyone on your team has recently accessed with a digital certificate or GICAR. Automatic creation does not imply any incorrect action. If you think it should not exist anyway, change its status to "inactive" so that it cannot be created again on the platform. Doing so will prevent it from being created again if you delete it.
7. How do you assign basic permission to an automatic user within EACAT Procedures?
From Administration settings > Services AOC > Users account_circle > Select the automatic user in question > Services AOC > activate the Basic permission switch.
8. Do you view automatic users in EACAT Classic?
No, you can never view automatic users in the Settings section and, therefore, as a manager, you are not aware of their existence. In EACAT Classic, these users can access the platform with very limited functionalities.
9. What happens if you deactivate a user?
If you deactivate a user, they will not be able to access the new EACAT.
10. What happens when you create a manual user in EACAT Classic that is automatic in the new EACAT?
When the synchronization between the Classic EACAT and the new one is done, the user will become a manual user with basic permission assigned.