Inter-administrative processing

The inter-administrative processing between the bodies of the public sector of the Generalitat of Catalonia is carried out through the functionality EACAT-Tràmits, through the platform of the same name ( EACAT ).

EACAT is a closed environment accessed with username and password or a digital certificate (type T-CAT). If you do not have a username and password, the EACAT user manager must assign one.

EACAT-Procedures is accessed from the Procedures section. Once there you can access the following subsections:

  • Catalog of procedures
  • My procedures
  • Registration window

Within the page, the information is reorganized by finding both the aforementioned subsections and new information. Thus, the generic service of:

  • The generic shipment

And, you can also find:

  • The Registration Office (which is equivalent to the registration window)
  • The Last Shipments
  • The Catalog of procedures deployed with the simple and advanced procedure search engine.
  • The Notice of My procedures
  • The Favorites
  • Featured Services

To understand how inter-administrative electronic processing works, you need to know that the processing services in EACAT-Procedures can be generic (for example the generic transmission ) and specific ( PRE - Subsidies remuneration to elected officials 2020 ). The first ones can be found in the procedures section or as independent applications in the Applications section (Service for sending information, writings and documents -TMAS) and the second ones are organized in the Procedures Catalog.

Within the Catalog of procedures , the services have a title that includes the producer codes designated by the Generalitat or by the AOC Consortium, in order to know which promoter they belong to. Each service is made up of one or more procedures that make up the file. However, a distinction must be made between the initial procedures that are processed from the Catalog of procedures and the response procedures that are processed from the processing flow , which is accessed through My procedures .

From the My procedures subsection , you can respond to a procedure, through its processing flow , and manage inter-administrative processing using the single procedure tray. Currently, the different trays still work: Received, Sent, To sign, Drafts and In process (which only appears when there are procedures in this state). Within each of them there is a procedure search engine, which allows you to filter specific settlements.

The processing of the Generic Mail (TGEN) or Mass Mail (TMAS) , as generic services, can be consulted in their manuals. This manual focuses on the processing of the specific services that appear in the Catalog of procedures.

window of EACAT my procedures.png

The Registration Window acts as a virtual documentation submission office, which addresses the documentation submitted to the recipient organization's electronic register and returns the corresponding receipt.

The Reminder of My procedures is used to indicate the number of procedures that have entered ( Entries ), the status of the procedures ( To sign or Drafts ), the SIR procedures pending confirmation and procedures that, temporarily, have not ended its processing due to technical issues ( In process) , but which are in the process of processing and, therefore, finalization. In the case of the In process tray, it does not appear in the image because there is no process in this state.

How to process from the Catalogue?

1 What can I process from the Catalogue?

From the Catalog of procedures you can only initiate the processing of a service or, also, you can perform a procedure that, despite not starting a service, is defined as an initial procedure , which entails the start of a new execution thread. When accessing this type of procedure, the green button appears, in addition to the procedure information Process ; if it is not initial, the button appears gray and will not allow its processing.

The cases in which the gray button appears can be consulted in the FAQ: GT - The Process button, when is it green or gray?

2 How to process from the Catalogue?

If you want to process from the Catalog you must, beforehand :

  • Be identified in EACAT
  • Having verified that work is being done with the corresponding entity. If you are attached to more than one entity, you have a drop-down menu in which you can choose between the various entities.
  • Access the Procedures section.

Once in EACAT-Procedures you must:

  • Search for the service in the procedure finder using keywords.

  • Click on the service you want to work with. The general information of the service appears as well as the set of procedures that form its lifeline.
  • Select the procedure with which you want to process.

And once in the procedure, to start processing it is necessary to take into account that there are 3 different ways of processing , depending on the type of technological support used:

  1. Specific web forms , which are processed within the platform. In the service's content sheet through certain links, which are clearly specified and which, once clicked, redirect to a web form that must be filled in, validated, signed and sent; then the processing receipt appears and, also, a note is made in the exit register of the processing entity and an entry in the destination entity.
  2. Simple Submissions web forms are evolved web forms, which have a generic structure, to which, if necessary, a PDF form will be added as an attachment attached to the web form. This PDF form can be found in the Catalog process sheet. The processing of the simple transfer is carried out within the platform. Pressing the green button opens a web form that must be filled out, signed and submitted within EACAT. When sent, an exit record is created in the processing body and an entry record in the destination body.
  3. Smart forms (PDF), are downloaded by pressing the green Process button. They are called smart because they incorporate at least information about the processing entity and the destination entity; which allows them to be filled in, validated, signed and sent from outside the platform. When sent, an exit record is created in the entity that processes and an entry record in that of the destination entity. There is no need to go to the Catalogue, but from the same PDF form you will find the attached documentation that must be downloaded and also filled in and attached to the PDF form.

These last two types of forms - types b) and c) - are accessed, if they are initial, from the Catalog using the green Process button, as we have seen in the previous image. If the button is grey, you must follow the steps described in subsection 2.1 (What can I process from the Catalogue?).

How to process from the flow?

It is processed from the flow when you want to respond to a procedure that cannot be done from the Catalogue. The flow is accessed from My procedures .

To make a response procedure from the execution thread, you must, beforehand :

  • Be identified in EACAT.
  • Having verified that the relevant entity is being worked on and if not, change it; for this reason you need to check it in the upper right part of the screen.

Once in EACAT-Procedures you must:

  • Select the My procedures subsection.
  • Go to the Receipts tray, if it is a procedure that is a response to one previously sent to us or, to the Sent tray, if it is a consecutive procedure and that follows one carried out by us .
  • Open the search engine for procedures received or sent and fill in the fields that are considered necessary to search for the procedure to which you want to respond.
  • Click on the procedure and then its execution thread appears, from which I can perform various actions:
    • Add the file number.
    • Select the procedure from among the possible ones, using Process or Download , depending on whether it is a simple submission web form or a smart form (PDF) , respectively.
    • Download file , download the complete file with all the procedures and annexes sent.

  • Press Process or Download in the response process that is processed.

  • Fill in, validate, sign and send the form, whether it is done from the platform - web forms - or if it is done outside the platform - PDF forms -.
    Web form PDF form
  • The shipment processing receipt appears.

Delivery processing receipt
  • At the same time, an exit record is created in the entity that processes and an entry record in the destination entity.
    Entry and exit registration of the AOC Consortium
How are the services according to your technology?

Within EACAT-Procedures, three types of procedures converge in terms of their technology and which have evolved over time. They are the following:

    • Web forms are residual services but with considerable volumes and with complex and specific integrations in the lender's systems, which makes their evolution difficult.
    • Simple submission web forms are services that have been around for a long time, designed using generic web forms and that are gradually migrating to services designed in PDF.
    • Smart Forms PDF . Any new service is designed as a self-submitting PDF form.

The first two are processed when you are authenticated on the platform, on the other hand the smart forms (PDF), once downloaded, carry the necessary information so that they can be processed outside the platform, which makes their use much more flexible by not having to be connected to EACAT. Once sent, the information it contains causes an entry record to be generated at the receiving entity and an exit record at the processing entity.

Finally, keep in mind that PDF smart forms and old web forms can coexist within the same file.

What's in My Procedures?

window of EACAT my procedures expanded.png


1 What is in the different trays of My procedures ?

In the My Procedures subsection, both completed procedures ( Sent and Received ) and pending procedures ( In Process ) are distributed in trays. There are also the trays ( To sign , Drafts ) relating to the status of the procedures designed with web forms technology.

In each of these trays there is the functionality of the process finder , the appearance of which is similar. In the case of the Received and Sent trays, it allows advanced searches using the following filters:

  • service
  • procedure
  • Dates (can be done between two dates)
  • Sender / Recipient
  • No. of registration
  • file

The search result returns the inputs or outputs of the services for which you have permissions, which can be exported using a CSV file.

In the case of the To sign and Drafts trays, as these are procedures that have not been sent, some fields are not required and advanced searches are done using the following filters:

  • service
  • procedure
  • Dates (can be done between two dates)
  • Recipient

The different procedure trays that appear in My Procedures are:

    • Received and Sent trays, there are the entries or exits , respectively, of the services for which you have permissions , arranged page by page using the template of the list of procedures received or sent, whose fields match the search fields This template reproduces the list of procedures arranged by: service, procedure, sender, no. of file, entry registration and date and time of processing. In the information relating to the service there appears a number in parentheses , relative to the no. of consignments in that file, whether they are incoming or outgoing.

      Only in the case of generic consignments , icons may appear on the right side of the settlements , which indicate whether or not that generic shipment has been assigned to a user or group so that they can view and work with it.
      Users who will be shown the icon are:

      • Those who have the registration role ( Consult the online registration book in the Entry/Exit Registration functionality).
      • Those who have downloaded the generic submission form sent.
      • Users assigned via the icon to a specific generic shipment, by one of the two types of users above.

      Whether the icon is displayed as white like it shows blue , users who have the registration role and those who have downloaded the generic shipment can assign new users or groups to it.

      With a general character for all types of procedures, if you click on one, you enter the file's execution thread , from where you can view all the procedures related to that file, whether they are received or sent; as well as processing receipts (by clicking on the registration number); and the appendices.

      From the execution thread there are the following functionalities :

      • Enter the file number
      • Send a response procedure to another entity.
      • Download a file with the forms for the procedures, processing receipts and annexes.

    • Trays To sign and Drafts , are the procedures pending signature or draft , respectively; as long as they are procedures belonging to services for which they have permissions. These procedures are carried out within the platform as they are web forms and go through different states: draft and pending signature. The statement of procedures is laid out page by page using the signature or draft statement of procedures template, the fields of which match the search fields. This template reproduces the list of procedures arranged by: service; procedure; recipient and date and time of last modification.
    • In process tray, procedures appear that, temporarily, have not completed their processing due to technical issues, but that are in the process of processing, and therefore, of completion. This tray only appears when there is some procedure of this type in the entity.

What is the procedure notice?

The Alert is used to indicate the total number of procedures in some of the trays that make up the subsections of My procedures and Pending confirmation SIR .

Thus it appears:

  • The total number of Received procedures that have entered since the user's last connection.

  • The total number of In draft and Pending signature processes, which are pending completion processes that are in these states, since the user's last connection
  • .
  • The total number of procedures In process, which, temporarily, have not completed their processing due to technical issues, but are in the process of processing, and therefore, of completion, since the last connection. This section of the alerter appears whenever there are processes in this state otherwise.

How to view the Alerter is a tool that allows EACAT users who process daily to have an immediate view of pending tasks . With a glance users make a quick composition of the tasks to be done; for this reason apart from being located in the Procedures section, it has also been placed in the Home section.

Clicking on the different sections of the Alert redirects us to the corresponding tray.

What is the registration window for?

The Registration Window is the virtual office for the presentation of documentation associated with processing services between administrations. This office addresses the documentation submitted to the electronic register of the recipient organization and returns the corresponding receipt.

One of the ways to process EACAT is through the Registration Window, using PDF forms or not. For this we will do the following:

  1. Find out if our procedure can be sent through the Registration window . For this, you need to go to the section How to do it? , that is to say the specific instructions for each procedure in its description of the Catalogue.
  2. Download us, fill in, validate and sign the downloaded form via the green Process button that appears in the process information in the Catalog.
  3. Access the Registration Window by pressing Procedures and, specifically, the Registration Window subsection.
  4. Press Browse where it says Procedure to present to search for the form on our computer. We can also attach the documents attached to the form in Attached documentation by pressing Attach another document .

Not all forms can be submitted through this window. Everyone who needs to be attached to a shipment will continue to do so. To find out which is the channel to send each procedure, you must follow the section How is it done?, that is to say the specific instructions for each procedure in its description in the Catalogue.

Regarding the attachments of the EACAT registration window , please note the following:

  • As a general rule
    • The first document uploaded must be a PDF.
    • File names cannot exceed 80 characters.
    • The attached documents can have any extension.
    • The maximum number of attached documents (not including the submitted PDF form) is 10.
    • The maximum weight per file of 10 MB