1. What is the EACAT notification system?

The notification system allows you, if you wish, to receive a single email each day, with a summary of the incoming entries, from the services of the AOC Consortium, that your entity received the previous day. Each user can receive notifications from the services to which they have access.

email example.PNG

To receive this email, you must activate notifications in My Space in the Settings section. In the case of new users, this is initially done by the entity manager and, later, each user can personalize it.


2. What services can you receive notifications from?

The following services of the AOC Consortium, which create an entry in your entity's log in, are likely to generate a warning email:

    • Inter-administrative processing services (EACAT Procedures):
      • Specific services
      • Generic services , for example generic delivery.
    • The rest of the AOC services , for example the SIR, e-FACT, e-TRAM 2.0 services, which generate an entry in your entity's log.

00099_ElMeuEspai_List of servicesPNG.PNG

3. Particularities of the warning system

In the case of EACAT Procedures services (specific or generic), if you have access to the service it allows you to receive notifications.

However, in the AOC services (SIR, e-FACT and e-TRAM 2.0) notices are assigned in a different way. A new Notices role has been created that is assigned by the entity manager.


The image shows how the entity manager goes to the Configuration/Users section and, once they select a specific user, assigns them the role of Notices in the SIR service. However, it should be remembered that we can assign this role or any other of a service, from the Services subsection, as shown in the image.


It should be noted that, if we select more than one user, we will have to assign the Notices role one by one.

In the case of the generic services of EACAT Procedures, within which we find the generic submission, the person who grants access is the one who has the role of Consult the telematic logbook of the Entry/Exit Registration service (hereinafter, registration role).

In the generic submission, the person who has the registration role is allowed to assign it to another user or group of users. However, if the person responsible for registration does not assign it on the same day that the entry is entered in the register and assigns it days later, to a person or group of people, this entry will not arrive in the periodic notification email, since this email reproduces the entries from the previous day.

4. Who assigns the notices?

Once the entity manager has done their job, each user is the one who activates the notification system in My Space.

5. How do you turn notifications on or off?

Each user decides whether or not to activate the notification system, by editing the 'My space' subsection.


In the Notification Subscription section, select Activate and press the Save button.


Activate the bell icon on the services of the Consortium AOC that you are interested in receiving notifications for; whatever the type of service, as long as it generates entries in your entity's entry register. Do the same with the generic inter-administrative processing services (EACAT).

In the case of generic services , an information icon ( appears next to it). 00096_ElMeuEspai_Campanetes2_IconaMesInformacio.PNG ), which when pressed opens the information alert informing us that only users with the registration role have access to these services. Although these users can give access to a procedure to other users of the entity. In this regard, it is important to know that, for these other users to receive the notices, it is necessary that the user with the registration role gives access to these people on the same day that the procedure is entered in the entry register; since the notice email is received with the information corresponding to the entry entries in the register of our entity the previous day. Therefore, if they were not assigned on the same day, these users would not receive the notice email from the previous day.


However, in the specific inter-administrative processing services (EACAT), as a result of the large number that there are and that any user may have, a more agile system has been created to activate the notifications of the different services. Thus, we will find the two icons relating to:

  • All ( 00092_ElMeuEspai_Campanetes2_IconaTots.PNG ), which when pressed will make the bells for each service disappear and activate the notifications for all existing inter-administrative processing services and those that will be activated in the future from that moment on.
  • Customize ( 00093_MySpace_Bells2_Personalize Icon.PNG ), which when pressed, the service notification bells appear and I can activate service by service, clicking on each bell of the services that interest me. But, I can also, to go faster, select the options of:
    • Activate all ( 00094_ElMeuEspai_Campanetes2_IconaPersonalitzar_ActivarTots.PNG ), means that I activate the notifications of all inter-administrative processing services (EACAT) that exist so far.
    • Disable all ( 00095_ElMeuEspai_Campanetes2_IconaPersonalizar_DisactivarTot.PNG ), all notifications for current services are disabled.
6. What mail can you receive?

The email you receive is a list of check-in and check-out entries.


The email does not include the link to the settlement, to access it you must do so from the EACAT registry.

7. What do you do if you receive notices from an entity where you no longer work?

You must contact the EACAT user manager of that entity, inform them that you no longer work there and that you need to unsubscribe.

It is the manager of each entity who manages the users of EACAT.