It is a functionality provided by the EACAT Configuration module to comply with Law 39/2015, of October 1, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations. For more information see the post: How should the creation of the Register of Skilled Officials be considered?
The Law obliges the Public Administrations to:
- Have a register or equivalent system listing the officials qualified for each of the following functions:
- The making of authentic copies (when they are not made by automated administrative action).
- Assistance in the use of electronic media to interested parties not obliged to use them.
These officials may have one or both of these functions.
- That the officials , at least, who provide services in the offices of assistance in the matter of records (OAMR) should be recorded in this register.
For all this, the functionality of the Register of qualified officials (RFH) of EACAT allows the user manager:
- Attach the rule for creating the RFH of each entity, which can be uploaded and updated in the My entity subsection.
- Inform us which users of your site are authorized officials , through the Users subsection. Either when creating a new user or when modifying an existing user. For this, in each user 's information sheet , a data section has been added to report:
- RFH start date , is the date on which the user becomes part of the RFH.
- RFH termination date , is the date on which the user causes termination of the RFH.
- Administrative unit is the administrative body to which the user belongs.
- Assisting those interested in the use of electronic media is one of the functions assigned to users who are part of the RFH.
- Issuance of authentic copies is one of the functions assigned to users who are part of the RFH.
Additionally, all users will be able to see on their profile if they are an authorized official , through the subsection My space .
It is very important to know that each Administration must :
- Approve the creation of the RFH of the ens.
- Appoint your qualified officials (which will include, at least, those of the OAMR), assigning the functions attributed to each of them (assistance in the use of electronic media and/or issuing copies authentic).
- Be responsible for keeping your RFH up to date.
Finally, any EACAT user can consult the Register of qualified officials, in order to comply with the regulatory framework and to facilitate the interoperability of this register.
The entity's user managers within EACAT, through the EACAT Users module.
If you are a user manager of the entity in EACAT and you want to assign a user the functions of an authorized official, two different situations can occur:
- Be a new user
- I create the user through the Users subsection.
- I report the fields of the user information sheet and in the case of the RFH:
- RFH start date , is the date on which the user becomes part of the RFH.
- RFH termination date , is the date on which the user causes termination of the RFH.
- Administrative unit is the administrative body to which the user belongs.
- Assisting interested parties is one of the functions assigned to users who are part of the RFH.
- I create the user through the Users subsection.
- That it is a user that already exists
- I go to the Users subsection and find the user that I want to assign enabled officer roles to. The User Directory appears and I click on the user's name.
- The user abbreviated form appears and I press Edit to expand it.
- The user file is displayed and I look for the section relating to the RFH, where I can fill in the following fields:
- RFH start date , is the date on which the user becomes part of the RFH.
- RFH termination date , is the date on which the user causes termination of the RFH. Therefore, it will only be necessary to take it into account when the user ceases to be an enabled user.
- Administrative unit is the administrative body to which the user belongs.
- Assisting interested parties is one of the functions assigned to users who are part of the RFH.
- Issuance of authentic copies is one of the functions assigned to users who are part of the RFH.
- If the user was an authorized official and I want him to cease to be one, the RFH Leave Date field of the user's information sheet is filled in. Date from which he will be terminated as a qualified official of the entity.
- I go to the Users subsection and find the user that I want to assign enabled officer roles to. The User Directory appears and I click on the user's name.
Through the user information sheet of the Users module of the EACAT Configuration section, as explained in point 3.b) of this manual
To find out if you are an enabled official, go to the My Space subsection under Settings and press Edit.
The user file will be displayed, where the data relating to the configuration of your user within the EACAT platform are found. If you are a qualified civil servant, the Register of Qualified Civil Servants section will appear in this file, in which there will be your data relating to this Register, which you can only view and in no case amend.
If any amendment is needed in this data, you will have to go to the EACAT user manager of your institution.
Through the qualified officials search engine, any EACAT user can search for the qualified officials of any member of the platform.
To access the search engine, go to the Settings section, where in addition to My Space , a new subsection called Queries and reports has been configured, where you will find this search engine.
Ens user managers will find this finder in the Queries and Reports , sharing subsection of My Ens , which only they can view.
The search engine has a pop-up window that appears when you click on More information and which briefly informs you about this new functionality. If you click on More information again, it will collapse and you will no longer see it.
It also has a series of search fields that allow you to search for any qualified official and they are:
- Name and surname , is a field where you can write the name and surname of the person you assume is a qualified official.
- Enabled official roles , is a drop-down menu that allows you to select:
- Any , if you want to search for civil servants who have any of the civil servant roles enabled (Assist interested parties and issue authentic copies).
- Attend interested parties , if you want to look for the skilled officials who have this role.
- Sending authentic copies , if you want to look for the qualified officials who have this role.
- All entities, mark the check if you want to search all entities.
- Entity determined, by default the name of the entity with which you are logged in appears, but it is possible to write any of the entities attached to EACAT.
- Include disabled employees , check the box if you want to also search for employees who were enabled at some point, but are no longer enabled.
The search result is a form with three distinct parts:
- The list of all enabled officials, according to your search criteria. This form has the following information:
- Name and surname of the authorized officials.
- We of the skilled officials .
- Date of discharge as a qualified official.
- Date of retirement as a qualified official.
- Assisting interested parties , one of the two roles that skilled officials have.
- Issuance of authentic copies , one of the two roles with which the competent officials have.
- Administrative unit of the authorized official.
- The search fields, or searcher itself, which allow you to continue searching to further refine the result.
- The download icons, which allow you to download in a txt, excel or csv file the list of qualified officials resulting from the search.
Only user managers can update the RFH regulations file of the entity.
Through the General Information section of the subsection of My body ; and, specifically, in the RFH Regulation section, you can add the specific regulation that yours has made for us regarding the RFH. The file size must not exceed 20 MB.