If you want to cancel a notification edict already sent to the BOE's Single Edictal Board (TEU), you must access the announcement in question which will be available in the announcement management environment (v. How is the ad management environment? ):


If the ad is in the Accepted or Received state, a button appears that, when clicked, will cancel the ad that was waiting to be published.

If the operation is successful, you will receive a warning message informing us that the ad has been canceled and the ad now appears in this state:


NOTE: the cancellation of an ad already sent will only be possible before 12:00 noon on the last working day before the day of its publication in the BOE.

If this contingency is not taken into account and the cancellation of an ad is also attempted, we will receive the following error message:


If the ad is in Returned , Posted , or Canceled status, the cancel button mentioned above simply doesn't appear.