1. What is the RFH?
It is the set of civil servants (which will include, at least, those from the OAMR) who are authorized to perform one or both of the following functions: assistance in the use of electronic means to interested parties who are not obliged to use them; and issuance of authentic copies (when they are not made by automated administrative action).
2. Why was the RFH created?
It was created within EACAT to comply with Law 39/2015, of October 1, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations. For more information, see the FAQ: How can we assist citizens in the use of electronic media?
The Law obliges Public Administrations to:
Have a register or equivalent system where the officials authorized for each of the following functions are recorded:
- The making of authentic copies (when they are not made by automated administrative action).
- Assistance in the use of electronic media for interested parties not obliged to use them.
These officials may have one or both of these functions.
- That this register includes , at a minimum, the civil servants who provide services in the registration assistance offices (OAMR).
- Inform which users of your entity are authorized civil servants, which is carried out by the entity manager from the administration of Services AOC /Users, in the Manager's Space.
- View whether you are an authorized civil servant or not, from the Personal space /General/Register of authorized civil servants (RFH).
- Search engine for qualified civil servants, which you can access from the AOC /RFH Services Directory.
3. What do you need to access it?
You need to have basic permission assigned within EACAT Procedures and, if you need to create or cancel authorized officials for your entity, you must also have the entity manager permission assigned.
4. What functionalities does the RFH have, who makes them and where do you access them from?
The functionalities of the Registry are:
- Inform which users of your entity are authorized officials , which is carried out by the entity manager from the administration of Services AOC >Users account_circle , in the Manager's Space.
- View whether you are an authorized civil servant or not , from the Personal Space account_circle >General>Register of authorized civil servants (RFH).
- Search engine for qualified civil servants , which you can access from the services directory AOC grid_on >RFH.
The last 2 functions can be performed by any user .
5. How are authorized officials created and modified?
You will find this information in the EGSA FAQ – Register of qualified civil servants (RFH), what information do you manage there?
6. How do I know if I am a qualified civil servant?
You will find this information in the FAQ EP - Register of qualified civil servants (RFH), what information do you find there?
7. What is the qualified civil servant search engine?
You will find this information in the RFH FAQ – How does the search engine for qualified civil servants work?