1. Introduction: basic concepts

EACAT's specific electronic services are listed in the Catalog of procedures . These are services that have been defined by a provider to make them available to other recipient public entities with which it relates, thus allowing electronic inter-administrative processing to take place.

a) Different actors and activities of a service

    • Providers: they are Catalan public entities that define a service in EACAT to make it available to certain recipients . EACAT's largest service provider is the Administration of the Generalitat de Catalunya , through its departments and its dependent entities .
      • The departments of the Generalitat de Catalunya (Culture; the Presidency; Justice; etc.)
      • The entities dependent on the Generalitat (Catalan Water Agency; Waste Agency of Catalonia; Public Employment Service of Catalonia; Catalan Women's Institute; Catalan Institute of Cultural Enterprises; Trade, Crafts and Fashion Consortium of Catalonia ; etc.

      Also, other public entities can be lenders , such as local authorities ; their dependents ; the Parliament, independent or statutory bodies; And others.

        • Local bodies , the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, regional councils, deputations, etc.

      • Bodies dependent on local bodies, autonomous bodies, etc.
      • The Parliament, independent or statutory bodies (Catalan Data Protection Authority, Commission for Guaranteeing the Right of Access to Public Information; Legal Advisory Commission of the Generalitat; Audiovisual Council of Catalonia; Parliament of Catalonia; Ombudsman Audit Office, etc.).
      • Others (Deanery of the Property, Mercantile and Movable Property Registrars of Catalonia; the Notaries' Association; etc.)

    • Recipients: they are the public entities to which the electronic services and procedures defined by the providers are addressed. These recipients can be any Catalan public entity (local bodies, a department of the Generalitat, bodies dependent on the Generalitat, etc.)

  • Services: formed by a set of procedures that are carried out in a sequential, orderly and systematic way aimed at satisfying a need (a grant, registration, sanctioning procedure, etc.) There are two types of services:
      • Generic services: generic submission, the System of Interconnection of Records (SIR) and bulk submission.

    • Specific services, for example:
      • ARP - Exceptional Hunting Permits
      • SOC – Unique Projects. Early call 2019 – Line 2

  • Procedures: they are each of the parts that make up a service. Therefore, there is no procedure without a service. Some examples of procedures are: the Subsidy Request, the Contribution of documentation, the Response to the documentation requirement, the Subsidy Justification, etc.

There are two types of procedures:

    • Initial procedures that open a new file or processing flow; usually, they are started from the Catalog of procedures.

  • Response procedures, which allow the processing of an initiated file to continue; they are processed from the processing flow of My procedures.

b) Who can put specific services in EACAT?

As already mentioned, you can be a service provider:

    • The Generalitat de Catalunya , which through the Office of Innovation and Digital Administration (OIAD) of the Department of Digital Policies and Public Administration together with the AOC Consortium assess the viability of a service likely to form part of the Catalog of procedures EACAT.
    • The rest of the Catalan public entities , which together with the AOC Consortium assess the viability of a service likely to form part of the EACAT Catalog of procedures.
2. You are a department or a body dependent on the Generalitat, how can you upload a procedure to EACAT?

If you are a department or a body of the public sector of the Generalitat de Catalunya, contact the Office of Innovation and Digital Administration (OIAD) of the Department of Digital Policies and Public Administration so that they can properly convey your request.

3. You are a Catalan public entity, how can you upload a procedure to EACAT?
  1. You see the need to create a new electronic service or procedure with another Catalan public administration.
  2. Go to Suport del Consorci AOC and open a request (indicating a phone number and any information you consider appropriate).
  3. The AOC Consortium, through the head of the EACAT Service, will contact your organization and, together, they will study the feasibility of creating a service or procedure .

More information can be found on the EACAT Support Portal .